So with no needle to embroider the sweater, and only the Addi 4.0mm hook I used for the sweater, I decide to try the swatch for the Drops Summer Top. I figure my gauge will be off (the pattern calls for a 3.0mm), but at least I'll figure out the pattern and my yarn, GGH Bali frogs pretty easily. Within a few minutes I'm thinking "What did I get myself (and my CAL gang) into?" It's a little disconcerting until you get a few rows into the pattern. It didn't help that my dh called and then came home in the midst of the first few rows... this pattern needs full attention in the beginning... and I was so grumpy about my potentially lost hooks, I needed to crochet this swatch. Poor dh tried to be sympathetic about the hooks - although he didn't like my suggestion that he go break into the library and retrieve them (good thing, as we found my hook case this morning - it had rolled under ds's bed). He even commented that he could replace all my hooks for my birthday - men, they just don't understand emotional attachment to things - not that new hooks are a bad thing, but when you're mourning a loss, immediate replacement isn't the answer!
Anyway, I eventually worked my way through this swatch.

Hilary, I believe added 2 YO, so it reads: "Pull a loop through the sts (see the chart) and make it approx. 1 cm [3/8"] long, YO, pull another loop through the same sts and make it approx. 1 cm [3/8"] long, YO, pull st though all loops on hook." It works, but leaves the bobble a bit open & tilted, in my hands.
So I tried this: YO, Pull a loop through the sts (see the chart) and make it approx. 1 cm [3/8"] long, YO, pull another loop through the same sts and make it approx. 1 cm [3/8"] long, YO pull st though all but one loop on hook, YO pull through last 2 loops". This sort of tied up the bobble at the top of the stitch.... I don't know... we'll see!
Now on the dc vs tc thing... I agree the symbol given is for tc, even though they label it dc. But on one end you do this dc or tc and ch 2, on the other end you ch 5. In my hands the side with the tc is taller than the side with the ch5... so either I need to do the dc or I need to ch6.
In the end, it's not so bad, just rough going for a bit until you get the pattern down.