I couldn't resist adopting this as my crochet blog title, it's what my now 8 year old daughter called my hobby when she was 3. Her brother (2.5 years older) always corrected her, "It's called crocheting." with the exasperation only an older sibling can muster. Anyway, I like it and I figure it will serve as a little reminder as to what really matters if I get too caught up in the online crochet world....
It's beautiful!!
Absolutely GORGEOUS!!
I really wanna make one now!
Your felted bag looks good.
About the pocket, next time you can put the bag in water whit some hairbalsam and work around the area whit the pocket and it maybe will fit a litle bit more.
That is what I do if the pocket shows on the outside.
But the bag looks so beautiful.
It is wonderful! Great job.
The bag is great. May I suggest felting all of the pieces separtely including a length of yarn then the pocket can be sewn in after the felting is done.
I am having severe BAG ENVY! Ginny, I love it! Keep the bump side next to your body; I am sure no one but you would ever notice it. The colors are beautiful and it looks great. You have inspired me to try felting as soon as funds permit the purchase of lovely wool yarn! Thanks again for linking to the pattern. Enjoy!!!!
Way cool! I am working on the handles for my bag. Then i get to felt. YaY I love to felt things.
Oh, Ginny, I love your bag! I just ordered yarn to make 3 of them, one of them bigger. It's beautiful! Gail
It's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!...........
do I get my socks now ??
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