One kid is in school, one is happily playing and dh is back at work... translation... I can go online!! I love having everyone home and the family time together, but I missed my online crochet world.
I've decided I really like making wearables, particularly small, quickly created wearables! I guess it's the instant gratification factor. I didn't let myself have any small side projects going as the 12/25 deadline neared and the tic-tac-toe and checkerboard afghans were smothering me. Definitely no afghan-like projects for Xmas get started in late October this year!! Still it was wonderful to see the kids faces light up on Christmas morning when they opened their crocheted gifts.

So here's my Abby's completed tic-tac-toe afghan. It's from Vanna's A to Z Afghans "X's and O's". I made it using Caron One Pounder Bright White; RH SS Light Fuchsia, & Dark Orchid. I finished this on December 20th I think.
Alex's checkerboard assembly actually went quicker than I thought it would.. the final killer was making and edging all those checkers!! The checkerboard pattern was from the now defunct solutia site (aka smart yarn). I made is using RH SS Light Gray, Burgundy & Soft Navy.
Here's the before and aft

er photos...

I edged the burgundy checkers in gray so they would stand out better. I also used sc instead of reverse sc to edge the checkers since it was faster for me on such a small circle. I actually finished this on December 23rd.
It was weird to not be crocheting every free minute on the 24th but I was cooking instead!
I had one more gift to do for an 8 month old girl we would be seeing on the 30th. On the 26th I started the J&P Coats/Michaels "Cute as a button"Baby Jacket (really a cardigan) was using ww yarn instead of the Silkessence Microfiber, but I thought I could adjust gauge and follow the inches calculated from their gauge. To make a long story short, after an entire day of crocheting I decided even though I was matching their inches for the front panels for a 12-18 m child, it was too big. I'll finish it for my 3.5 year old. Really, their length and width match the sweaters I made for her this year!

So new project... Candi Jensen's Toddler Poncho in the 2005 Interweave Crochet. I used yarn I had on hand, leftover from tic-tac-toe... Caron One Pounder Bright White; RH SS Light Fuchsia. I started and finished it on the 27th.

Last thing I
did for Xmas presents was I added some LB Fun Fur Sapphire to the end of the scarf I had made earlier to jazz it up a bit and sent it off to a friend in Texas. I made it using Caron Simply Soft 'off white' and their Pom-Pom scarf pattern (from a project sheet).
Later, I'll tell you about my Christmas presents!!