I can't believe I lived so long without a hook case. And more to the point I can't believe I waited so long to order
this hook case after I discovered
CrippenWorks. OK - I'll back up. I needed a case for my crochet hooks. I kept thinking I was going to crochet one
like this, or make this
Felted Hook Case (it was actually on my
WIM list in August 2006) or even
this Berroco one. But as my hook collection grew, I realized that all of those would be too bulky to carry all my hooks and I just couldn't seem to leave home without
all my hooks! Then I saw the story
"Going Custom" in Crochet Me about handmade crochet hook cases designed by Katharyn Crippen Shapiro of
CrippenWorks. I was in love! The article explained how you can buy a standard crochet hook case (or knitting needle case) or you can work with her to design the case that's right for you. Following the suggestions in the article at Crochet Me, I prepared. I counted my hooks... there were 29. I measured their lengths, I grouped them into sets based on circumference. Finally I sent Kathy a note last summer, detailing my hook collection and all their measurements. She sent me back a note within 2 days explaining my options. She recommended I make two cases with 20 slots each so I have room to grow. She also said she was happy to make just one case, a longer roll, if I preferred. Well the ball was in my court and I was stumped. I couldn't decide. I pondered and then I procrastinated.
Well in the chaos of late December I managed to lose not one, but two of my beloved Brittany hooks. Enough was enough. I waited until after the holidays (well sort of) and sent Kathy an e-mail in the midst of New Years weekend! I received an e-mail back on a Sunday morning promising me a price and delivery date later that week. On Wednesday, that arrived. I paid by credit card at her website, and on Monday the case was in my mailbox! Now here's the funny part... we had 14 inches of snow on Monday, so I never made it down to my mailbox that day. So finally on Tuesday, as I waited for the school bus with my kids I picked up the mail, and started cheering. So here it is filled with my hooks! It is everything I wanted and more. It is

beautiful, expertly made in my choice of fabric and I know it will protect my cherished hooks for years to come!
That is nice.
I have a few of her cases (2 for hooks, plus two for needles), she comes to the Maryalnd Sheep and Wool Festival every year.
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