Fell in love with this yarn when I found it on sale at Ewe'll Love It [Ravel It!] ages ago. Of course I had to wait for it to speak to me about what it wanted to become. Either that or wait for a pattern to call out for the yarn! Whichever way it happened (how can I possibly remember we're talking over 2 years ago now!) the yarn and pattern came together for a great garment!

Project details:
Pattern: Short and Sweet [Ravel It!] by Angela Best [Ravel It!] published in Stitch 'n' Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker [Ravel It!]
Size: L
Yarn: Knit One Crochet Too 2nd Time Cotton [Ravel It!] in Borealis (love this colorway)
Size: L
Yarn: Knit One Crochet Too 2nd Time Cotton [Ravel It!] in Borealis (love this colorway)
Hook: Brittany 5.0mm H hook, 5.5mm I hook for edging
Pattern Changes: added some overall length, being the amazon woman that I am!
Previous Posts: Last Progress Report and Initial "Startistis" Post