I never actually posted a challenge for what I wanted to do in December. I was too busy trying to get it (and everything else) done! Now, looking back, I'm trying to remember.....

Peter's Jacob sweater - a CAL at Yahoo
crochet-a-long using
RH Medium Spruce. This was finally officially started on 10/25. I started it on 12/2. I'm making it for my dh, Bob. I actually did make some progress, although I haven't touched it in weeks... more on why in a minute. The pattern is fun to do and once you get the rhythym going you can really fly on it. Status = 20% complete.

2. 'Oxford Style' socks (Crocheted Socks!) - In an attempt to appease my dh (and because I really want to make these for him, but don't tell!), I actually worked a bit on his socks using my 3.25mm Addi E hook and Patons Kroy Socks in 'Windsor Tweed' with Silja in 'dark charcoal' for contrasting cuff, heel and toe. I'm ready for the heel on the first sock and have a few more rows 'to heel' for the 2nd sock, so I'm getting there! Status = 40% complete.

3. Drawstring backpack purse - I made this for an 11.5 yo niece. I made her sisters Dot's little ditty bags for their b-rthdays in October and wanted to give her something. It's made with Sugar & Cream cotton in Navy and a 4.5mm hook. I'll blog the pattern changes (a few, as always), but it was based on a combination of these 2 patterns
here and
here. I think she liked it! This photo shows it being "modeled by" my 4.5yo dd. Status = 100% complete.

Dot's little ditty bags - I made two of these while traveling to NY after Xmas. I planned on giving them to our 8yo and 10yo nieces. Of course I left them at my MIL's house the day we saw them so I mailed them to the sisters after we came home with appropriate "girl stuff" inside. I used RH 'Windsor Blue' and 'Lavendar' with a 5.0mm H hook. Status = 100% complete.

Colinette afghan kit - My dh gave this to me for my birthday last summer. I actually stopped crocheting his socks to work on this because he's the kind of guy who really wants to
see that you liked his gift. Of course I did!! What hooker wouldn't like to work with this amazing fiber! It was just a tad hot in July for all this wool and mohair. Anyway, I finished crocheting it!! Now I just have to deal with those blasted ends!! Status = 99% complete.
So that's December... I feel a 2007 WIP explosion coming...